Making the call right nowThe Fall of Schulz

Officially, Andrew is too professional, too disconnected from reality, and much too arrogant to entertain the podcast audience he has handpicked.

People have expressed their displeasure with his interviewing style in countless videos and posts. It hurts to hear him wax poetic about literally anything at all.

Although there are a lot of detractors in this sub, for years I thought of myself as a true admirer of this guy. It’s brutally evident that his celebrity has affected him. It has been a while since I survived an episode. Furthermore, I’m skimming through a lot when I do tune in.

What a disappointment.

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I recognized he had misplaced the map when he declared comedy was Austin, Texas’s professional sport. It is absurd to argue that UT athletics aren’t as popular as Rogan’s club. Stavvy is right when he argues that comedians are idiots who mistakenly believe they are more important than they actually are. Schulz is starting to resemble him.

For the first time in a long time, I attempted to listen today, but I had to stop after five minutes of Izzy dick riding.