Jace Lee Norman is an American actor known for his role as Henry Hart in the Nickelodeon television series “Henry Danger,” which aired from 2014 to 2020. Norman began his acting career in 2012 with a guest appearance on Disney’s television series “Jessie.” During his tenure on “Henry Danger,” he portrayed the titular character. Norman has also appeared in Nickelodeon Original Movies such as “Splitting Adam” in 2015 and “Rufus” in 2016, with a sequel titled “Rufus 2” airing on Nickelodeon in January 2017, where he reprised his leading role.
Jace Lee Norman was born on March 21, 2000, making him 24 years old currently.
jace lee Norman is 25 years old
Actor Jace Lee Norman was born in America on March 21, 2000 thus making him 24 by now. In the Nickelodeon television series Henry Danger, he portrayed Henry Hart from 2014 till 2020.
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Jace is 24 years old
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