How old is cameron Monaghan

Hey everyone, I’m trying to figure out Cameron Monaghan’s actual age. His Wikipedia page lists his birth year as either 1993 or 1994, and I know he was 18 when Shameless started. Does anyone have the correct information?


Cameron Monaghan was born on August 16, 1993, making him currently 30 years old.


When he was sixteen, the pilot episode was taped in December of 2009. Since August is his birthday, he was still 17 when season 2 was being filmed. He was not eighteen when they were in season three of the show. Because of this, Mickey refused to kiss Ian, and Noel refrained from kissing Cam until he turned eighteen. He is currently thirty years old.


@Mitchelle When filming for the show began, he was fifteen. Interviews exist where he discusses it.


Cameron Monaghan is thirty years old today, June 28, 2024, having been born on August 16, 1993.

Cameron Monaghan was born on August 16, 19931 in Santa Monica, California, USA. That makes him thirty years old.

As of January 2022, Cameron Monaghan’s birthdate is August 16, 1993, making him approximately 30 years old by mid-2024.